


Sunday, April 28, 2013

A Day that Shook Me

A little old man sitting under a shade is seen
With crotch exposed , shaggy manhood rocking in between.
Withered face, wrinkled cheek, untidy hair
Galloping Ganja, breathed out slowly 'Hara Om'

Saffron coloured drape ran diagonally from lower
hip to right shoulder ball
Half of his man breast felt the thin air amassed under tree which risen twenty ft tall.

I approached this Mystic man
As ant seeks sugar particle at a distant ,strolling in calm and confident.

I asked , Oh dearly old man !!
Are you sadhu ???
With weary eyes he gazed at me, giggled and coughed out loud
Smirked ! I'm mere a scrounger ,void of emotion ,detached husband , unkind father and troubled cloud !!

What is this life ?
With age
We grow pale,
Bones get brittle and stale,
Vision diminish,
Hair turns grey,
Veins show up,
Memory lost,
Taste forgotten.

What is left?
What is eternal?
What is immortal?

A crippled lady beneath a grist of flies found
Not cared ,not bothered none around.

And again cycle of question begins
In quest for answer I start my day!!!!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Full Moon

She comes to me at most every night
Today, she surprised me with her brilliant light !!
Oh, glowing
disc why do you entice poor tides ,
In pursuit of you ,they race, slide and collides,
At shore they die, to only realise hue and cry !!!

Her silver shines as her alter ego goes to sleep
Bring her light in silent creep
Where nocturnal come out and live
Oarsmen sing and dance, whirl and twirl , hi five take and give!!!
She leaves me with the coming day,
No worries, when He slips down , she comes and say hey!!!

A beautiful moon up above
Who pushes my poetry from deep below!!