


Sunday, November 3, 2013

A Letter to Jean Dreże

Dear Jean Dreze,
Your economic prowess on emerging markets like India is
unquestionable,but upon your comment -”I don’t
understand the importance of India sending a space
mission to Mars when half of its children are
undernourished and half of all Indian families have no
access to sanitation.” has deeply saddened me,
nonetheless ,you made a valid point for which I don't
have a direct answer .
I believe, that travelling to the Moon and eventually to
Mars and to other planets is a venture which we should
undertake now, and I even believe that this project, in the
long run, will contribute more to the solution of these
grave problems we are facing here on Earth than many
other potential projects of help which are debated and
discussed year after year, and which are so extremely
slow in yielding tangible results.I would like to relate
briefly a supposedly true story, which may help support
the argument ,which was narrated by Dr. Ernst Stuhlinger a
pioneer in rocket flight mechanics ,NASA, to a young lady
thousand miles across the sea somewhere in jungles of
Africa serving poor and undernourished children.
About 400 years ago, there lived a count in a small town
in Germany. He was one of the benign counts, and he
gave a large part of his income to the poor in his town.
This was much appreciated, because poverty was
abundant during medieval times, and there were epidemics
of the plague which ravaged the country frequently. One
day, the count met a strange man. He had a workbench
and little laboratory in his house, and he labored hard
during the daytime so that he could afford a few hours
every evening to work in his laboratory. He ground small
lenses from pieces of glass; he mounted the lenses in
tubes, and he used these gadgets to look at very small
objects. The count was particularly fascinated by the tiny
creatures that could be observed with the strong
magnification, and which he had never seen before. He
invited the man to move with his laboratory to the castle,
to become a member of the count’s household, and to
devote henceforth all his time to the development and
perfection of his optical gadgets as a special employee of
the count.
The townspeople, however, became angry when they
realized that the count was wasting his money, as they
thought, on a stunt without purpose. "We are suffering
from this plague," they said, "while he is paying that man
for a useless hobby!" But the count remained firm. "I give
you as much as I can afford," he said, "but I will also
support this man and his work, because I know that
someday something will come out of it!"
Indeed, something very good came out of this work, and
also out of similar work done by others at other places:
the microscope. It is well known that the microscope has
contributed more than any other invention to the progress
of medicine, and that the elimination of the plague and
many other contagious diseases from most parts of the
world is largely a result of studies which the microscope
made possible.
The count, by retaining some of his spending money for
research and discovery, contributed far more to the relief
of human suffering than he could have contributed by
giving all he could possibly spare to his plague-ridden
As I described ,investing in Space research may not solve
the abject poverty and hunger problems ,but on the
contrary I believe that investing certain amount of tax
payer money in space program will reap benefits to
Grave problems as poverty and hunger in India. Basic to
the hunger problem are two functions: the production of
food and the distribution of food. Food production by
agriculture, cattle ranching, ocean fishing and other large-
scale operations is efficient in some parts of the world,
but drastically deficient in our country. For example, large
areas of land could be utilized far better if efficient
methods of watershed control, fertilizer use, weather
forecasting, fertility assessment, plantation programming,
field selection, planting habits, and timing of cultivation,
crop survey and harvest planning were applied.
The best tool for the improvement of all these functions,
undoubtedly, is the artificial Earth satellite. Circling the
globe at a high altitude, it can screen wide areas of land
within a short time; it can observe and measure a large
variety of factors indicating the status and condition of
crops, soil, droughts, rainfall, snow cover, etc., and it can
radio this information to ground stations for appropriate
use. It has been estimated that even a modest system of
Earth satellites equipped with Earth resources, sensors,
working within a program for worldwide agricultural
improvements, will increase the yearly crops by an
equivalent of many billions of dollars.
Amidst curses and criticism from our political dignitaries
and ministers, ISRO is all set to launch one of its kind
Mars orbiter “Mangalyaan”,which is made in India by
Indians for India. My heartfelt wishes for the success of
Mars probe.
Jai Hind..

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


నీ చనువుకి భావం తెలియక కాదు
నా బంధాలుకు బంధినని చెప్పలేకనే
రాతినయి నీ ఆశకు ఆనకట్టనునయితినే కానీ
మనుసురేకలేక కాదు విరువలేకని తెలపలేను !!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

A Day that Shook Me

A little old man sitting under a shade is seen
With crotch exposed , shaggy manhood rocking in between.
Withered face, wrinkled cheek, untidy hair
Galloping Ganja, breathed out slowly 'Hara Om'

Saffron coloured drape ran diagonally from lower
hip to right shoulder ball
Half of his man breast felt the thin air amassed under tree which risen twenty ft tall.

I approached this Mystic man
As ant seeks sugar particle at a distant ,strolling in calm and confident.

I asked , Oh dearly old man !!
Are you sadhu ???
With weary eyes he gazed at me, giggled and coughed out loud
Smirked ! I'm mere a scrounger ,void of emotion ,detached husband , unkind father and troubled cloud !!

What is this life ?
With age
We grow pale,
Bones get brittle and stale,
Vision diminish,
Hair turns grey,
Veins show up,
Memory lost,
Taste forgotten.

What is left?
What is eternal?
What is immortal?

A crippled lady beneath a grist of flies found
Not cared ,not bothered none around.

And again cycle of question begins
In quest for answer I start my day!!!!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Full Moon

She comes to me at most every night
Today, she surprised me with her brilliant light !!
Oh, glowing
disc why do you entice poor tides ,
In pursuit of you ,they race, slide and collides,
At shore they die, to only realise hue and cry !!!

Her silver shines as her alter ego goes to sleep
Bring her light in silent creep
Where nocturnal come out and live
Oarsmen sing and dance, whirl and twirl , hi five take and give!!!
She leaves me with the coming day,
No worries, when He slips down , she comes and say hey!!!

A beautiful moon up above
Who pushes my poetry from deep below!!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

వేకువ (Dawn)

అప్పుడే విచ్చిన పువ్వు రేఖలను ముద్దాడుతున్న తుమ్మెదలను చూసి ముచ్చటించాన
ఆ శీతల గాలికి ఉగుతూ స్పర్శ సోకినా ఇరు సన్నజాజుల పులకింత చూసి ముచ్చటించాన
అలసి విశ్రమించిన అమ్మాయి కను రెప్ప ఫై నుంచి జారుతూ బుగ్గనతుకున్నచమట బింద్వును చూసి ముచ్చటించాన
ఉయల లో ఉగుతూ హాయిగా  అ పాప ముసి నవ్వు చూసి ముచ్చటించాన
మమి చివృలను కోర్కుతూ కోయిల కుతలను చూసి ముచ్చటించాన

రవి  కిరణాల తో వేకువను వెలిగించి నాకు దృశ్య కావ్యాన్ని కలిగించిన అ భాస్కర్నుకి నమస్కరిస్తున్న !!!

Prof.Andy (Anindya Chatterjee)

"I got some offers from abroad after completing my Post doc,i denied it stubbornly i see my brother working at Stanford and starving at some china town at late nights ,i got nice wife she makes me delicious fish curry ,I'm happy with what I got" Prof Andy's way taking life,which  had great influence on me,I mark it now and further.

With broad shoulders,suntanned skin and raised six feet above sea level (:p) enough enthusiastic walked  in to PG lecture hall and interrupted  Prof ADG's  interesting class on "Vibrations of Two DOF (Degrees of Freedom)Systems", here was my first encounter with him.That moment he caught entire hall attention, leaving studs(students) to bewilderment,later he precisely answered a funny question (I made and I don't think that was funny, I don't understand why he laughed also).After his brief introduction ,he said about his research areas (while saying them his gestures were really damn good) ,he says " I like motor cycles not only riding but also analyzing " laughs loudly.I started fascinating him from that moment with same amount of zeal i audited his class (Stability of Elastic Systems).
Here I express some of his punch lines or silly counters what ever may be which I had experienced through out of his class and some are from my close buddies who are now executing their thesis under his supervision.
First day of my audit class,I sat somewhere middle 3rd from last bench Prof Andy entered singing some old melodies.
He took the chalk jumped to board to scribble something (actually he don't know what was course structure)
but his attention drew towards chalk  "moisture content saturated,already its brittle dumb piece i see a shitty maintenance here". expresses with indistinct voice.
After few classes,one day he was discussing about  variational principles  somewhere we got eigenvalue problem and he was giving some conclusions then one stud asked him if  1,1,1 are eigenvalues  then can i take 2,2,2 like that can we take then Prof A " ha ha aha funny isn't it a teacher asked a KG kid name any amphibian, kid said a frog, teacher asked him name any other amphibian, kid said another frog hahahah see your question is such level", even I did face such bitter answers he asked me do you no Dirac delta function ?I said  "yeah,I know " after some time he jumped to some other equation skipping most points , I din't understand then i asked how could u get unit step function in between ? he replied "you said u know Dirac delta function and u don't know integration  of Dirac delta is unit step function"looking fiercely at me

Here are some which I heard from friends,

"late ur distinctly late "  when stud entered quietly presuming that prof had dint see him.
A bunch of studs came to Prof A to do Proj .
Prof A: so what you want do?
Stud1:sir ,I'm interested in Vehicle Dynamics.
Prof rushed to his computer and googled Vehicle Dynamics.
Prof A: see 3 Lakh 60 Thousand people have something to say what you want to say??(weird ,but he is expecting student to come with basic funda )
Stud2:sir,I'm interested in mechanisms.
Prof A: well,I want a mechanics such that a cam follows spiral profile and retraces back can u do it.
Stud2:sir ,I'm attending mechanism and robotics class from that you can  have a robotic arm it can move in all directions and we can make it to follow spiral path.
Prof A: if robot does that what you will do ??? (shocked and choked ,Andy seems to terrify studs but he wants abstractive funda from studs{let god saves that pathetic boy}).....

He may crack all rotten jokes (are they ?) he is person of high thinking and tries all time to extract best from students and rarely found gem and precious gift to IIT KGP  Applied Mechanics .I take immense pleasure quoting something about him on eve of Teachers days ,salutes to him.

Guys this post is sort of sitcom you can enjoy if you are at situation,if you find this dull and pedestrian please ignore this.


Monday, August 30, 2010


I like Hearing but not Listening,
I like Talking but not Speaking,
I like Seeing but not Observing,
I like Dreaming but not Living,
I like Replacing 'but not' with love...
Like the way you are now, but learn to achieve what you desire to be any how.....

"A dead leaf falling has got no meaning but a rain drop has got and does for a purpose..."